Balance between magnetic properties and electrical properties in soft magnetic composites powders and sintered compa
Compromisul intre proprietatile magnetice si cele electrice in pulberi si compacte sinterizate composite magnetice moi
project code PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2264
The main goal of the project is the obtaining of new soft magnetic composites (SMC) with improved properties which could be used like magnetic cores at medium and high frequencies. Innovative idea is to replace in SMC the non-magnetic dielectric (polymer, used in classical SMC) with a magnetic dielectric (magnetic ferrite). The project is structured on three directions (objectives): (i) obtaining of nanocrystalline/nanostructured SMC powders, (ii) obtaining the nanocomposite compacts by spark plasma sintering and by cold sintering in order to preserve the phases composition and nanocrystalline state and (iii) study the balance between magnetic and electrical properties of the SMC sintered compacts. The powders will be produce by: (a) milling of mixture of alloy (ductile) and ferrite powders (brittle) to obtain the nanocomposite particles like “raisin bread” model, (b) micro-alloying between the large particles of magnetic alloy surrounded by nanosized ferrite particles (pseudo core-shell particles) and (c) obtaining by chemical method the core-shell powders (core – iron, shell - Fe3O4). The proposed research aims to optimize the microstructure influence on the magnetic coupling and electrical resistivity in nanocomposite powders and sintered compacts. The balance between magnetic and electric properties in correlation with structure/microstructure and interphase studies will be shown by a diagram of the Saturation (and/or Permeability) - Electrical resistivity.
Proiectul este dedicat obÅ£inerii de noi materiale compozite magnetic moi (SMC) cu proprietăţi È‹mbunătăţite, pentru miezuri magnetice utilizate la frecvenÅ£e medii ÅŸi È‹nalte. Ideea inovativă este de a È‹nlocui dielectricul nemagnetic (polimer, folosit in materialele SMC clasice) cu un dielectric magnetic (ferită magnetică). Proiectul este structurat pe 3 direcÅ£ii: (i) obÅ£inerea de pulberi SMC nanostructurate, (ii) obÅ£inerea de compacte nanocompozite prin sinterizare È‹n plasmă ÅŸi sinterizare la rece, È‹n scopul prezervării stării nanocristaline ÅŸi a fazelor componente, (iii) studiul compromisului dintre proprietăţile magnetice ÅŸi cele electrice È‹n compactele sinterizate. Pulberile vor fi produse prin: (a) măcinarea unui amestec de pulberi din aliaj (ductil) cu pulberi din ferite (fragile) pentru a obÅ£ine particule de tipul « cozonac cu stafide” (“raisin bread”), (b) micro-alierea intre particule mari de aliaj magnetic È‹nconjurate cu un strat de nanoparticule de ferită (particule pseudo « core-shell ») ÅŸi (c) producerea prin metode chimice de particule « miez-coajă » (core-shell, cu miez de fier ÅŸi strat de Fe3O4). Cercetările au scopul de a optimiza infuenÅ£a microstructurii asupra cuplajului magnetic ÅŸi a rezistivităţii electrice È‹n pulberile ÅŸi compactele nanocompozite. Compromisul dintre proprietăţile magnetice ÅŸi cele electrice È‹n corelaÅ£ie cu microstructura ÅŸi studiil la interfaţă va fi ilustrat printr-o diagramă SaturaÅ£ie (ÅŸi/sau permeabilitate) – Rezistivitate elecrică.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCS - UEFISCDI,
project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2264, within PNCDI III.